I have noticed that there are a lot of questions on this website that will lead to primarily opinion-based or speculative answers. However, on this website, we also allow philosophical questions. Should the questions that lead to speculative answers be tagged with philosophy, should them be closed as primarily opinion-based, or should we introduce a new tag like futurism?
I think that most of them can be tagged with philosophy. A question that should be closed as primarily opinion-based is e.g. Is it a good idea to pay for an deep learning course?. An example of a question that will lead to speculative answers is Will artificial intelligence cause mass unemployment?.
Furthermore, I don't believe that there is the need for the tag futurism, given that this website should be dedicated to a scientific discipline and not junk science. However, given the existing large amount of this type of questions on the website, maybe we could have a tag for this type of questions.